Unau (Linnaeus’s Two-Toed Sloth)
Experience the slow and leafy life high in the trees!

The Basics
Scientific Name
Choloepus didactylus
Conservation Status
Least Concern
South America
Average size
21 to 29 inches long
Leaves, fruits, shoots
20 to 30 years
Let’s Explore
The Unau, also known as Linnaeus’s Two-Toed Sloth, is a fascinating mammal that hangs out in the trees of South America. These slow-motion superheroes measure between 53 to 74 centimeters (21 to 29 inches) long and blend seamlessly into the rainforest canopy.
Unau sloths are famous for their easy-going lifestyle. They munch on leaves, fruits, and shoots, making their meals a leafy delight that fuels their laid-back way of living.
These amazing creatures have a secret superpower: they can spend most of their lives hanging upside down! Their unique two-toed feet help them grip branches with incredible strength, so they chill out high above the ground and watch the world go by.
The Unau sloth enjoys a lengthy lifespan, living between 20 to 30 years in the wild. That’s like having a very long sleepover party with your favorite trees.
When it comes to diet, these sloths take their time. They digest food very slowly—sometimes taking a whole month to break down a single meal. Talk about a slow cooker in action!
Unau sloths are also known for their unique fur that houses algae, creating a vibrant green coat. This helps them to stay camouflaged in their leafy homes, making every branch feel like a cozy bed.
These delightful creatures remind us that taking life slow can be just as fun as racing through it. So, next time you see a sloth, remember they are nature’s ultimate chill buddies!
Where can you find a Unau (Linnaeus’s Two-Toed Sloth) in the wild?
What does a Unau (Linnaeus’s Two-Toed Sloth) eat?
How big can a Unau (Linnaeus’s Two-Toed Sloth) grow?
How long does a Unau (Linnaeus’s Two-Toed Sloth) typically live?
What is the conservation status of the Unau (Linnaeus’s Two-Toed Sloth)?
What are the main threats to the Unau (Linnaeus’s Two-Toed Sloth)?
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